Change maker, momentum creator
Lucy is as well known for her mohawk as she is for her business leadership and memorable speeches. She is experienced in building and leading fast-paced intergenerational and remote micro-teams. She has launched a number of businesses including an education start-up. Why does she have pink hair? Because she can.
She’s is a rule-breaker, idea maker and momentum creator inspiring audiences with humour and captivating storytelling, with the business acumen to fortify the message.
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- Inspiring, hilarious, business guru speaker
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Lucy Bloom is a change maker, exceptional communicator and business fixer. She led an advertising agency for 20 years before she stepped into the role of CEO of a new women’s health organisation. In less than three years she lead a small team to raise $7M for a network of hospitals in Ethiopia. She then went on to transform a network of schools and health centres in South East Asia, as its first CEO. She now consults as a strategy machine and governance gun for start ups, NFPs and big business. With a few books under her belt and a great understanding of social media and digital marketing, she’s got something for everyone.
You will find Lucy Bloom challenging and entertaining in equal measure.